
Caravanning Industry Supports German Government’s National Tourism Strategy

The association of leisure-vehicle manufacturers CIVD supports the German government’s national tourism strategy. The initiative lays out tourism policy goals, including measures aimed at ramping up the domestic added value generated by tourism. The initiative also identifies specific types of actions such as optimization of the relevant statutes and regulations as well as the expansion of infrastructure – measures the leisure-vehicle industry has been strongly advocating for years. Other issues the white paper addresses, such as the development of rural areas and focusing on sustainability, are goals that the leisure-vehicle tourism furthers more than just about any other type of holiday.
The association of leisure-vehicle manufacturers CIVD is pleased to see that the federal cabinet has formally adopted a national tourism strategy. In so doing, the German government is drawing attention to and acknowledging the tremendous importance of tourism for the nation’s economy as a whole. “Given that tourism in Germany is mainly driven by small and medium sized enterprises, it has for the most part flown under the radar of government policymaking – a situation that is about to change,” noted Daniel Onggowinarso Managing Director of the CIVD. “Tourism in general and caravanning in particular are textbook examples of cross-sectoral industries that benefit a vast array of sectors and whose positive impacts are palpable in myriad realms,” Mr. Onggowinarso continued. The position paper, adopted last week, laying out the new national tourism strategy defines three overarching government tourism policy goals. Of these, the CIVD particularly welcomes the following: ramping up the domestic added value generated by tourism by, for example, taking steps to improve the competitiveness of Germany as a tourist destination; and mining the as yet untapped potential of tourism in Germany.

Call for infrastructure expansion and the reduction of red tape

The government’s key issue paper also identifies fields of action that are essential for achieving the mandated objectives, thus, addressing two central concerns of the leisure-vehicle industry. The first of these is improving the relevant statutory framework and reducing the red tape associated with it. In this regard, the CIVD strongly feels that the Federal Citizens Registration Act (Bundesmeldegesetz) is urgently in need of modernization and streamlining. The second key issue, from the standpoint of the CIVD, is infrastructure expansion – which would involve improving both the nation’s transport infrastructure, as well as its digital infrastructure. For the leisure-vehicle industry, the CIVD would also like to see stronger political support for construction and expansion of campgrounds and motor caravan pitches, so as to enable the capacities of these facilities to keep pace with the sharp rise in the number of registrations of new leisure vehicles.

Caravanning helps to promote goals laid out in government’s new tourism resolution

Holidaying in caravans and motor caravans has evolved into a major trend over the years – and has thus become a German-tourism segment of ever-growing importance. Germans who opt to go on holiday in their leisure vehicles generate billions of euros worth of annual revenue for the domestic economy and help to both secure and generate thousands of jobs – particularly in rural areas and in economically disadvantaged regions. Thus, caravanning helps to further one of the main goals of the national tourism strategy – namely helping to bolster the areas and regions in question. Also, the special attention devoted by the government’s position paper to sustainability echoes the issues addressed in a study by the German ecology think tank known as Öko-Institut, which showed that caravanning is inherently ecological.

“The adoption of a national tourism strategy is an important first and important step in the right direction, and further steps of this nature are needed. As the voice of the German caravanning industry, we are going to continue and intensify the efficient and constructive exchanges we have with policymakers”, concluded Daniel Onggowinarso with a positive look ahead.

About Caravaning Industrie Verband e. V.

Caravaning Industrie Verband (CIVD) is the trade association for the industrial arm of the German leisure vehicle sector. Our members include German and European leisure vehicle manufacturers, numerous leisure-vehicle supply vendors and service providers, as well as public institutions and associations. Founded in 1962, CIVD represents the interests of the German leisure vehicle industry for all matters of concern to its members, through lobbying and other communication measures directed at German and European political institutions and government authorities. The CIVD is also the ideal sponsor for Caravan Salon, the world’s largest vehicle leisure industry trade show. In this capacity CIVD plays a pivotal role in promoting the progress and development of the European leisure vehicle industry.

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Marc Dreckmeier
Director Marketing & PR


Jonathan Kuhn    
Manager Marketing & PR


Caravaning Industry Association e.V.

Hamburger Allee 14
60486 Frankfurt am Main