Sociodemographic Data

A study by the Institute for Tourism and Recreational Research in Northern Europe shows sociodemographic data and the travel behaviour of caravanning holidaymakers.

According to the F.U.R., camping and caravan tourists as a group are ``significantly younger than the population average, and possess above-average household net income and above-average formal education.``
According to the most recent representative Caravan tourism study *) the caravan interested people are mostly between 40 and 49 years old and have more than 2,500 Euros monthly net income.

In vacation, most of them want to have fun, relax and enjoy the sun. They are also interested in easy sports – as well as in natural attractions and vacation acquaintances.

*) The early 2010 study of N.I.T. (Institute for Tourism and Recreational Research in Northern Europe, Kiel), commissioned by the CIVD, interviewed 7,660 persons about their travel behavior, their motives, preferences, and interests for the future.



Caravaning by age group

wdt_ID Age Population in % Caravan Owners in % Motorcaravan Owners in % Rental Interest Caravan in % Rental Interest Motorcaravan in %
1 14-29 years 20 15 15 32 29
2 30-39 years 17 14 17 24 25
3 40-49 years 18 27 23 20 24
6 50-59 years 14 20 24 14 12
7 60+ 31 25 22 11 11
8 Ø age 47,5 years 47,4 years 47,3 years 38,4 years 39,2 years
Source: N.I.T.

Caravaning by household net income

wdt_ID Household Net Income Population in % Caravan Owners in % Motorcaravan Owners in % Rental Interest Caravan in % Rental Interest Motorcaravan in %
1 Up to € 1.499 30 21 15 26 23
2 € 1.500 - 2.499 42 41 45 45 39
3 € 2.500 - 3.499 19 27 28 20 25
4 € 3.500 + 10 11 12 9 13
Source: N.I.T.

Caravaning by school education

wdt_ID School-leaving Qualification Population in % Caravan Owners in % Motorcaravan Owners in % Rental Interest Caravan in % Rental Interest Motorcaravan in %
1 Lower secondary leaving certificate 48 52 46 39 35
2 Secondary school leaving certificate 35 33 32 43 42
3 Higher school certificate 17 15 22 18 23
Source: N.I.T.
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