New registrations
The German caravanning market remains at a high level
The year 2023 was characterised in particular by the rise in prices and interest rates as well as economic uncertainty among end customers. Despite global permacrises, the German caravanning market remains at a high level with 90,000 registrations.
As expected, supply chains improved in the second half of 2023, particularly in terms of chassis availability; the supply of motor caravans thus increased. The motor caravan market in Germany proved to be particularly resilient, with registrations increasing by 3 percent.

Source: CIVD analysis of the figures published by the Federal Motor Vehicle Office
In the economically sensitive caravan segment, new registrations fell by 10.5 percent to 21,896 units.

Source: CIVD analysis of the figures published by the Federal Motor Vehicle Office
Despite global permacrises, the German caravanning market remains at a high level with 90,000 registrations.

Source: CIVD analysis of the figures published by the Federal Motor Vehicle Office